Sunday, December 8, 2013

Chapter 7: Business Marketing

Business marketing, also known as industrial marketing is the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations of purposes other than personal consumption. Business products include products that are used to manufacture other products. I don't believe "Coca Cola" is an example of business marketing because they do not industrialize products for other companies to make their own products. "Coca Cola" is considered a consumer product because people buy their product to consume, and not to make a new product. When companies have an agreement, it is very important for one company to trust the other one so the relationship mantains the same so they could be in business for a long period of time. Raw materials and supplies are crucial for companies that need them to industrialize products to sell it and make a profit. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chapter 8: Segmenting and and Targeting Markets

Target market is a certain group of people that a company targets that will most likely buy the company's product. "Coca Cola" came out with the "Diet Coke" and "Coke Zero" for people that have to avoid sugars, like diabetics and also regular people that just prefer to have the soda but without sugar.  The main target market for "Coca Cola" are children abd middle aged adults. Segmenting is when you have a group of people with similar characteristics that causes them to need or want the same products. For example, some people that are trying to watch the calories they consume, they are more likely to buy fat free products or products that use less sugar than the rest. Demographic segmentation goes according to age, gender, income, ethnic background, and family life cycle. This helps the company decide who they have to target to make sales and profit easier.