Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chapter 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility

In order for customers to be satisfied, the company has to be honest with their customers This is all about ethics. Being honest can take you various places, very good places. People start to trust you more, and more and become a regular customer since they now they have their trust in the company. It's like a contract between the cuctomer and the company. The company will be honest with the customer in order for the customer to be a regular to them. "Coca Cola" for example has to be honest with their customers, customers need to know about the product, how it is made, what it is made of among many other information on the product. Being socially responsible is also a big role for companies. "Coca Cola" has been involved in many social responsibilities such as, a project called "Ocean Cleanup" which is great for the environment and helping earth become a better place, also stopping the furher extinction of some animals that could be harmed by the garbage around the oceans. They also provided drinking water to more than 60 million americans. "Coca Cola" signed a contract with the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) in order to restore natural resources to provide water for many americans. Green Marketing is also very important for the environment and it makes companies look friendly with the environment, which is becoming very popular amongst many companies. Recycling is a big part of it, and "Coca Cola" is trying to do it's part in it by recycling used bottles, and cans that were purchased by previous customers.

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