Friday, September 6, 2013

Chapter 1: An Overview of Marketing

The "Coca Cola" recipe was first created at the Eagle Drug and Chemical Company, which was a drug store in Columbus, Georgia by the man named, John Pemberton. It was first introduced to the market as a patent medicine at a very low cost, only 5 cents for a cup at the soda fountains which were very popular in the 1880s in the United States. The creator of Coca Cola believed the drink cured many diseases, such as, morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache and impotence. The first advertisement of the beverage was on May 29, 1888. The name "Coca Cola" was established by John Pemberton. Many other Atlanta businessmen were using the same formula for the drink and tried to bring Mr. Pemberton down. Later on, after John Pemberton's death, a man Asa G. Candler bought the recipe from John's wife and started to produce the beverage on his own. It is said that he bought the rights for $300 from Mr. Pemberton's wife at her husband's funeral. Candler now owned "Coca Cola" after about a year, with a total investment of $2,300 in the company. The first time Coke started being manufactured in bottles was in 1891 in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The first outdoor advertisement for "Coca Cola" took place in Cartersville, Georgia in the year of 1894. Later on, Coke was even certified kosher after some ingredeients were changed. By July 12, 1944 the one billionth gallon of "Coca Cola" syrup was manufactured making it a big deal for the owners of the beverage. Coke cans weren't introduced until the year of 1955, much after "Coca Cola" had been already established and well known all over the U.S. "Coca Cola" mission statement was and still is to refresh the world, inspire moments of happiness and optimism and to create value and make a difference in the world.

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