Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chapter 5: Developing a Global Vision

Global Vision is being recognized and known around the world for your business or for what you do. As an example, "Coca Cola" is known for their soft drink around the whole globe. Coke is being sold around the whole world and everyone knows about it. They have made their name big enough for everyone to know what their business what is about and what they expect from customers. Once a company starts to expand to other countries, even other continents their chance of making a profit becomes a lot bigger. Like I stated before, "Coca Cola" is known for its main product which is coke, but that is not it. The "Coca Cola Company" owns other soft drinks (Fanta, Sprite), juice brands (Minute Maid), waters (Dasani, Vitamin Water), and even energy drinks (Monster) among many other drinks sold around the world. "Coca Cola" owns most of the soft drinks that are being sold out in the market. That is globalization. Developing a global vision in the market can make your business very successful. "Coca Cola" is a company that is known worldwide by everyone. You can find their product in the market anywhere you go.

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