Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

The many decisions the consumer has to make include: wheter to buy, when to buy, what to buy(product and type brand), where to buy(type of retailer, specific retailer, online or in store) and how to pay. Those are the most important decisions the customer has to make before purchasing the products they might want to buy. In the market of soft drinks, there are many options and many companies that try to beat the company so consumers will always have a hard time to decide which to buy and why. Some people decide to buy certain ones becayse they've been buying from the same for many years and know they are reliable and won't let them down. Some just buy it because they simply like the product. Social factors, cultural factors, individual factors and physological factors are the main ideas that make customers think if they should buy it or not. Certain products only reach to a certain market, and the company knows it so they make it easier for their customers to make the decision. It is crucial for "Coca Cola" to have options in the market so they can reach to different people and maybe even get new customers with their new product. Something different might want to make people try it out and they might like it. That's a very smart way to achieve new goals and acquire new customers in the market.

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