Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chapter 11: Developing and Managing Products

Creating a product that will be success in the market is one of the most important goals that a company has to achieve. Coming up with new ideas isn't easy because there are so many products out in the market nowadays. "Coca Cola" has been developing and managing new products for a long time now. For you to create a new product you have to first have an idea of how the products is going to look and affect the market. They also have to go through testing and such things. Product development is crucial for companies because they need to develop something that will satisfy the customer and be a success. Brainstorming is a great way to get companies to think about great ideas for products to be released for a company. Innovation is a product but more developed than the one before.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chapter 18: Social Media and Marketing

Marketing is the communication between the customer and the company, in this case, "Coca Cola". Coke tries to get the consumer's attention by the way that it advertises it's product in the market. Like how Six Flags advertises "Coca Cola" inside their park. How they make promotions on how you can get discounts on tickets to go in if you bring a can of coke or its partners to the park. They do that because that attracts many people to buy their product. Social media monitoring is very important for a company because it informs the company on how they are doing in the market and what the consumer thinks about their product. Social networking sites are also a way for companies to find out what the people are saying about the company and the product as well. Review sites also keeps the companies up to date with the consumer's opinion on their product and helps them improve the products so consumers are more satisfied.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

"Coca Cola" has a variety of products, but their main product is soft drinks. They produce their products in many shapes, sizes, and use different many different materials to make the outside of the drink look nicer, and cheaper for the company as well. Their most known product is "coke". This drink you can find worldwide in any country that you visit. Most of "Coca Cola" products are considered convenience products. Some companies like to extend their product line so they could compete more abroad in the industry. That is, introducing new products to the market to see if the customers will like what they introduced. Brand loyalty is very important for companies. That shows that their customers will always come back to their products and won't buy from the competition. A warranty is very important for the customer when they purchase a product. It makes them feel safe because the warranty guarantees that the product will not fail or harm the consumer. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapter 17: Personal Selling and Sales Management

Personal selling is all about trying to present your product the best way you can to make customers believe it is of use to them and convince them to buy it. For the company to get the customer's interest, we can say that it kind of has to get in a relationship with the customer itself.  Getting the customer to trust your brand is everything every company wants. Interaction between the consumer and the company is very important to keep this "relationship" alive and going. Companies need to focus on keeping their customer's eyes only on their brand and away from the competitor. When you get a customer satisfied, he/she will most likely spread the news about how good your product is and that will attract other customers. So satisfying customers is crucial to keep the old customers and gain new ones. Every company has a certain number to reach every day, month, and year. That is called a quota. They need to achieve a certain number of products they sold.