Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

"Coca Cola" has a variety of products, but their main product is soft drinks. They produce their products in many shapes, sizes, and use different many different materials to make the outside of the drink look nicer, and cheaper for the company as well. Their most known product is "coke". This drink you can find worldwide in any country that you visit. Most of "Coca Cola" products are considered convenience products. Some companies like to extend their product line so they could compete more abroad in the industry. That is, introducing new products to the market to see if the customers will like what they introduced. Brand loyalty is very important for companies. That shows that their customers will always come back to their products and won't buy from the competition. A warranty is very important for the customer when they purchase a product. It makes them feel safe because the warranty guarantees that the product will not fail or harm the consumer. 

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